Open Group - Innovation Awards (Social Connectivity)

Teleconferencing cum TeleHealth Hearable Solution for Elderly or Persons with Disabilities

Home Based Life Style System

Using Smart Sensing Earbuds to Improve our Daily Lives

Home Based Life Style System is a product developed for elderly to encourage active ageing and health lifestyles. 5 key bio-signals can be measured with just two sensors (a FDA approved Blood Pressure monitor and an in-ear sensor). The bio-sensing earbud is equipped with audio features, allowing users and healthcare providers to conduct tele-health session while offering healthcare providers access to users’ real-time bio-signals. It also allows healthcare providers to upload rehabilitation exercise videos and assign exercises to users. It has already conducted a trial at Lingnan University.

Oct 2019

Internal Development and Innovation Award

The main focus of WBD101 has been developing in-ear bio-sensing technologies. Our Heart Rate sensing technologies have been tested and licensed by many tier-one brands such as Phillips, Soundcore, JBL and TCL. While we were developing the body temperature sensing technology with an institution in Singapore, a top-ten semi-conductor company acknowledged the accuracy of our sensing technologies and invited us to work with Shenzhen University General Hospital to conduct research to detect oxygen saturation level (Sp02) of the subjects using our bio-sensing earbuds. COVID-19 have educated the public of the importance of measuring their bio-signals every day and what do these data tell us about our health. We realise that it is equally important to keep monitoring your own health even after the pandemic. Hence, we thought along this angle and came up with the Hera Leto Active (HLA) concept and pitched it at the City I&T Grand Challenge, which won the Innovation Award!

Apr 2022

Trial and Deployment

Our technology was deployed by local hospital and rehab centre under the Hong Kong Hospital Authority during the COVID-19 pandemic. During the time, they were experiencing numbers of challenges, including insufficient and inefficient ways of bio-signals monitoring, insufficient manpower, repetitive actions to be performed constantly which caused morale issues among the healthcare providers. Therefore, our bio-sensing earbuds contributed by helping the healthcare providers to remotely monitor their patients. As reported by the hospital, our earbuds had successfully identified the patients who had fever, which led to timely treatments to the patients. Furthermore, our technology can be used in a wide range of different applications. Apart from being used for remote patient monitoring, our technology is also being applied in gerontechnology. WBD101 is very grateful for the collaboration with Lingnan University to conduct a one-month long product trial with the elderly ambassadors. This has helped us to understand more of how our product could contribute to the general public as well as realising areas that need to be improved.

Sep 2022

Expansion and Deployment

As we have completed a one-month product trial with the elderly ambassadors from Lingnan University, we now have gathered lots of feedback and insights from the users. These insights are valuable in order for us to further enhance the product and contribute to the society by offering efficient, user-friendly and convenient way for elderly to take care of their own health and become more physically active. Next, we aim to reach out to our target groups and deploy the products in NGOs, rehab centres and elderly homes in Hong Kong.

Oct 2022

Pilot Trial

Pilot trial has been completed with LU Jockey Club Gerontechnology and Smart Ageing Project in October. A pilot user: “Convenient as multiple bio-signals can be monitored at the same time simply with earbuds.”