Eligibility and Submission Requirements



(i) Participants of Open Group and University/Tertiary Institute Group must have successfully registered and created a user account on the Site to be eligible for participating in the Grand Challenge and must have truthfully and accurately completed all requisite information where indicated. Participants of Secondary School Group (Lower and Upper) and Primary School Group will NOT require registration of any user account to be a Participant.


(ii) For successful registration, a confirmation email containing an activation code will be sent to the email address provided in the registration form. Incomplete registration forms will not be considered.


(iii) Participation in the Grand Challenge is free of charge and no Participant shall be obliged to pay a fee to the Organiser and/or the Organising Partner in connection with his/her participation in the Grand Challenge.




The Grand Challenge is open to both local participation and non-local participation (for Open Group and University/Tertiary Institute Group only). The Grand Challenge is divided into the following groups and eligibility of Participants should be based on their status at the time of making the Submission.


(i) Open Group

·         Persons in Hong Kong or from outside of Hong Kong who are 16 years of age or above

·         Submission Requirements

o    Select one sub-theme and describe the solution by answering 3 questions in English (maximum 500 characters each) or Chinese (maximum 100 words each)

o    Elaborate the mechanism of the solution with a presentation deck in PDF or PPT format (maximum 10 slides and 30MB)

o    Optional: A URL link to a YouTube video (maximum 3 minutes)

o    Optional: Cover images in JPG or PNG format (maximum 3 and maximum 2MB each)

o    Questions to be answered

1.    User pain points – Who are the target beneficiaries? How can your idea/solution solve your identified problem?

2.    Solution’s benefits to user and community – What benefits will your idea/solution bring to the beneficiaries? By implementing your idea/solution, how will the norm and the society be impacted? How quickly and easily will the society realise the change? Explain the ease of mass adoption in the society. What are the advantages of your idea/solution over the existing products and solutions on the market?

3.    Innovation and technologies applied – What is the innovativeness of your idea/solution? What are the technologies adopted in your idea/solution?

·         Semi-Pitch

o    Submit a 2-page written proposal by filling out a template

o    A 3-minute face-to-face presentation (virtual presentation for Participants outside Hong Kong)

o    A presentation deck in PDF or PPT format (maximum 10 slides and 30MB)

o    Images/videos of work-in-progress solution/prototype (if applicable)

o    A 5-minute Q&A by judging panel

o    Information to be filled out in written proposal

o   Target user(s)

o   User problem(s)

o   Your I&T solution

o   Product development status

o   Team members and relevant qualifications/experience

·         Grand Pitch

o    A 3-minute on-stage presentation (Optional: live demo)

o    A 3-minute Q&A by judging panel

o    Showcase work-in-progress solution for on-site public voting

·         Judging Criteria




Grand Pitch

A. Benefits to user and community

o   In-depth understanding of user pain point

o   Prominent and impactful benefits to user/community

o   Willingness of users to pay for the solution




B. Innovativeness and uniqueness of technology

o   Critical role of technology in the solution

o   Patentable technological research and development involved

o   Demonstration of creative application of technology




C. Feasibility of prototyping and trials

o   Feasibility of being developed into full-functional prototype for user trial within 6-8 months

o   Feasibility of conducting 50+ user trials by the end of an 8-month prototyping and trial period

o   Feasibility for immediate user trial with Government Departments, public organisations and/or NGOs




D. Team’s capability and entrepreneurship

o   Good mix of technical and business background of team members

o   Demonstrated good pitching and entrepreneurial potential







(ii) University/Tertiary Institute Group

·         Full-time students enrolled at any local or non-local university or tertiary institute

·         If ANY member is NOT a full-time student enrolled at a university or tertiary institute, the team should make the Submission under Open Group

·         Submission Requirements

o    Same as Open Group

·         Semi-Pitch

o    Same as Open Group

·         Grand Pitch

o    Same as Open Group

·         Judging Criteria

o   Same as Open Group



(iii) Secondary School Group: Lower (F1-3 / Year 7-9) and Upper (F4-6 / Year 10-13)

  • Students attending any secondary school registered in Hong Kong
  • Submission Requirements

o    Lower: Describe the solution in English (maximum 500 characters) or Chinese (maximum 100 words) and answer 2 questions in English (maximum 500 characters each) or Chinese (maximum 100 words each)

o    Upper: Describe the solution in English (maximum 750 characters) or Chinese (maximum 150 words) and answer 3 questions in English (maximum 500 characters each) or Chinese (maximum 100 words each)

o    A drawing or concept board in JPG, PNG or PDF format (maximum 2MB)

o    Optional: A supplementary document in PDF format (maximum 5 pages)

o    Optional: A video (maximum 1 minute) with a unique URL on any video sharing platform

o    Questions to be answered

1.    How is your solution related to your identified challenges?

2.    What is the inspiration behind the idea?

3.    (For Upper only) What positive impact(s) will your idea bring to the society?

  • Semi-Pitch

o    A 3-minute face-to-face presentation

o    A presentation deck in PDF or PPT format (maximum 10 slides)

o    A prototype (suggested)

o    A 3-minute Q&A by judging panel

  • Grand Pitch

o    A 2-minute on-stage presentation

o    A prototype

o    Showcase solution for on-site public voting

  • Judging Criteria
    1. Creativity and innovativeness (40%)

B.    Problem identification and understanding (30%)

C.    Impacts and benefits to target end users (30%)


(iv) Primary School Group: P1-6 (Year 1-6)

  • Students attending any primary school registered in Hong Kong
  • Submission Requirements

o    A drawing with description in English (maximum 500 characters) or Chinese (maximum 100 words)

o    The drawing must be in JPG, PNG or PDF format (maximum 2MB)

  • Semi-Pitch

o    A 2-minute face-to-face presentation

o    A drawing/prototype (suggested)

o    A 2-minute Q&A by judging panel

  • Grand Pitch

o    A 1-minute on-stage presentation

o    A drawing/prototype

o    Showcase solution for on-site public voting

  • Judging Criteria
    1. Creativity and innovativeness (40%)

B.    Problem identification and understanding (30%)

C.    Impacts and benefits to target end users (30%)





(i) Participants can submit as individuals or in teams (consisting of no more than FIVE (5) qualified members who must fulfil the relevant requirements further explained in these Terms).


(ii) Participants will make the relevant submissions according to the Submission Requirements as set out in Clause 2 above for selection by the Judges.


(iii) There is no limitation on the number of Submissions per Participant. Each Participant can only participate in any one of the Groups. Identical Submissions will not be accepted.


(iv) Each Submission is allowed to address ONE of the sub-themes of the Grand Challenge.


(v) Applicable to Open Group and University/Tertiary Institute Group ONLY: For a Submission made by a team, each team MUST appoint ONE (1) team representative as key contact to manage submission, documentation, and communication throughout the Event Period. All members of the team MUST sign a declaration to endorse the appointment of their team representative and their eligibility in the participating group in to complete its Submission.


(vi) Applicable to Secondary School Group (Lower and Upper) and Primary School Group ONLY:  For a Submission made by a team, each team MUST appoint ONE (1) team representative as the key contact person to manage submissions, documentation, and communication throughout the Event Period.  Any Participant under eighteen (18) years old must have the consent of his/her parent, legal guardian, or teacher to agree to his/her participation in the Grand Challenge in the form of a consent form signed by the relevant parent, legal guardian or teacher of the Participant in order to qualify as a complete Submission.


 (vii) Complete Submissions must be received by the Organiser and/or the Organising Partner via the Site by no later than 23:59 (GMT +8:00) on 16 May 2024. Late submissions will not be accepted.





(i) The Judges shall shortlist a group of Participants to enter into the Semi-Pitch based on the Submissions.


(ii) Each Participant who is on the aforementioned shortlist shall be required to present to the Judges a detailed proposal in the Semi-Pitch. The Judges shall, during the Semi-Pitch, select from the group of shortlisted Participants, a batch of Participants to enter the Grand Pitch.


(iii) Shortlisted Participants with the top three highest score at the Semi-Pitch, from each of the Open Group and University/Tertiary Institute Group for each sub-theme, and from each of the Secondary School Group (Lower and Upper) and Primary School Group shall be required to present the detailed proposal to the Judges in the prescribed format and within the specified time at the Grand Pitch.


(iv) Submissions of shortlisted Participants entering the Grand Pitch will be showcased at the event for on-site public voting. The Submission with the highest number of votes in each of the groups will receive an award.





The Judges at the Semi-Pitch and Grand Pitch shall select winners (the “Winners”). All shortlisted Participants entering the Grand Pitch and are required to pitch as set out in Clause 4 (iii) above will compete for the Champion (applicable to all Groups), 1st Runner-Up (only applicable to Secondary School Group (Lower and Upper) and Primary School Group) and 2nd Runner-Up (only applicable to Secondary School Group (Lower and Upper) and Primary School Group), while the remaining shortlisted Participants entering the Grand Pitch will be Winners of the Innovation Award. Winners of the Most Favoured Award in each group will be selected by on-site public voting at the Grand Pitch.


The award(s) will be distributed to the team representative for Open Group and University/Tertiary Institute Group, and to the representative teacher / parent / legal guardian for Secondary School Group (Lower and Upper) and Primary School Group.


The Organiser and/or the Organising Partner reserves the right to withhold the award(s) in all groups. The decision made by the Organiser and/or the Organising Partner is final and binding on all aspects related to the Grand Challenge.


(i) Open Group

  • Champion: 2 Winners (1 per sub-theme)

o    HK$200,000 (per individual Participant or per team)

  • Innovation Award: 10 Winners

o    HK$30,000 (per individual Participant or per team)

  • Most Favoured Award: 1 Winner

o    HK$20,000 (per individual Participant or per team)


(ii) University/Tertiary Institute Group

  • Champion: 2 Winners (1 per sub-theme)

o    HK$200,000 (per individual Participant or per team)

  • Innovation Award: 10 Winners

o    HK$30,000 (per individual Participant or per team)

  • Most Favoured Award: 1 Winner

o    HK$20,000 (per individual Participant or per team)


(iii) Secondary School Group (Lower and Upper)

  • Champion: 1 Winner each for Lower and Upper Secondary School Group

o    Max. HK$40,000 cash coupons (Max. HK$8,000 cash coupons per person)

  • 1st Runner-Up: 1 Winner each for Lower and Upper Secondary School Group

o    Max. HK$30,000 cash coupons (Max. HK$6,000 cash coupons per person)

  • 2nd Runner-Up: 1 Winner each for Lower and Upper Secondary School Group

o    Max. HK$20,000 cash coupons (Max. HK$4,000 cash coupons per person)

  • Innovation Award: 5 Winners each for Lower and Upper Secondary School Group
    • Max. HK$15,000 cash coupons (Max. HK$3,000 cash coupons per person)
  • Most Favoured Award: 1 Winner each for Lower and Upper Secondary School Group

o    Max. HK$10,000 cash coupons (Max. HK$2,000 cash coupons per person)


(iv) Primary School Group

  • Champion: 1 Winner

o    Max. HK$25,000 cash coupons (Max. HK$5,000 cash coupons per person)

  • 1st Runner-Up: 1 Winner

o    Max. HK$15,000 cash coupons (Max. HK$3,000 cash coupons per person)

  • 2nd Runner-Up: 1 Winner

o    Max. HK$10,000 cash coupons (Max. HK$2,000 cash coupons per person)

  • Innovation Award: 5 Winners
    • Max. HK$7,500 cash coupons (Max. HK$1,500 cash coupons per person)
  • Most Favoured Award: 1 winner

o    Max. HK$5,000 cash coupons (Max. HK$1,000 cash coupons per person)


(Applicable Only to the Winners of the Open Group and the University/Tertiary Institute Group)


Winners (except for the Most Favoured Award) from Open Group and University/Tertiary Institute Group will be given the opportunity to further develop the winning solutions after the Grand Pitch for trials and adoption by Government Departments, public organisations and/or NGOs. Below is an overview for reference and is subject to change and update.


(i)   Eligibility

·         Only Winners from Open Group and University/Tertiary Institute Group of the Grand Challenge may be invited to participate in Trial and Adoption.

·         Winners must set up a valid Hong Kong business entity with a business bank account and sign a contract with the Organising Partner to be eligible to receive funding (the “Co-creation Fund”) from the Government and/or other support.


(ii)  Co-creation Fund and Support

·         The Co-creation fund is capped at HK$1,000,000 for each winning solution and the funding amount is subject to approval

·         Other support may include training workshops, consultation and mentorship


(iii)                 Key Co-creation Activities

·         Budget Proposal

o   Winners are required to submit a budget proposal with detailed costs, deliverables and schedule for prototyping and trial and adoption for approval

·         Prototyping

o   Winners are required to develop proof of concept and prototypes based on the budget proposal, and report on the development progress on a regular basis as specified by the Organiser and/or the Organising Partner

o   Winners are required to complete prototyping deliverables as stated in the approved budget proposal and identify trial group(s) for trial and adoption

·         Trial and Adoption

o   Winners are required to submit a trial and adoption proposal with finalised trial group(s) and endorsement for approval

o   Winners are required to complete all activities as stated in the approved trial and adoption proposal

·         The Showcase

o   Winners are required to participate in event(s) to showcase their prototypes and outcomes, and any promotion campaigns arranged by the Organiser and/or the Organising Partner

·         Documentation and Reporting

o   Winners are required to follow the funding mechanism and procurement requirements

o   Winners are required to submit reports according to the timeline specified by the Organiser and/or the Organising Partner





Participants agree that the Organiser and/or the Organising Partner has the sole right to establish and change the Rules and the operation of the Grand Challenge and/or awards at any time and without notice and liability whatsoever towards the Participants. In the event of any disputes, the decision of the Organiser and/or the Organising Partner shall be final and binding on all Participants.


(i) Eligible Submission

  • Any solution is eligible to be included in the Submission if the solution addresses at least one (1) of the Grand Challenge’s sub-themes, and is either:
    (a) based on a new and innovative technology in the concept or development stage; or
    (b) an innovative application of existing / mature technology.
  • Participants MUST either own or are legally authorised to use any intellectual property rights including, without limitation, any patents and copyrights (collectively “IP Rights”) that are incorporated into or utilized by the submitted solution application. Any infringement claims brought against or disputes on the ownership/usage any IP Rights in the submitted solution may result in the immediate disqualification of the relevant group from the Grand Challenge, and entitlement to any of the related awards and prizes.
  • Submissions must comply with the specified formats and word limits. Submissions must not include any information that could be used to identify any individual, school, institution, or organisation. The Organiser and/or the Organising Partner reserves the right to exercise its full and final discretion in assessing the eligibility of any Submissions.
  • Any winning solution or modified version(s) of it from previous Grand Challenges are NOT eligible for submission.


(ii) Information Validation

  • The Organiser and/or the Organising Partner reserves the right to check the validity of the registration information submitted by Participants at any time during the Grand Challenge and to ask for copies of identification documents and/or student cards issued by the schools or universities/tertiary institutes which the Participants are attending. The Organiser and/or the Organising Partner also reserves the right to refuse participation, or to disqualify any Participants (and their teams), at any time during the Grand Challenge, without cause. The Organiser and/or the Organising Partner may suspend or terminate the Submission to or participation in the Grand Challenge, in addition to exercising all rights and remedies allowed by law without liability whatsoever towards any Participant.


(iii) Registered account

  • Any registered account cannot be shared with anyone other than the Participant nor will he/she allow anyone other than himself/herself to participate in any related activities of the Grand Challenge.


(iv) Participant under eighteen

  • Any Participant under eighteen (18) years old must have the consent of his/her parent, legal guardian, or teacher to agree to his/her participation in the Grand Challenge.


(v) Submission by a team

  • For a Submission by a team, changes to the team composition (including but not limited to addition, reduction and substitution of team members) are accepted before Submission. Should there arise a genuine need for such changes, the team representative has the right to add new members to or remove existing members from the team. Each member of the team warrants and undertakes that he or she duly authorises the team representative to act as his or her authorized agent in relation to the Grand Challenge Submission and agrees to be bound by all actions taken by the team representative in relation to the Grand Challenge.




(i) Cancellation By Participant


Each Participant may cancel the Submission by sending a written notification through email to enquiry.hkcitygc@hkstp.org at least 48 hours before the Submission deadline of the Grand Challenge. These Terms, as applicable, will continue in full force and effect despite any cancellation by the Participant or the Organiser and/or the Organising Partner.


(ii) Event Programme Change or Cancellation By Organiser and/or the Organising Partner


The Organiser and/or the Organising Partner may change or cancel any event or activity related to the Grand Challenge at any time and may deny, limit or cancel a verification for the Grand Challenge (including a confirmed verification) at any time for any reason, including cheating, technology failure, catastrophe, epidemics or pandemics, war or any other unforeseen or unexpected event that affects the conduct of the Grand Challenge. If the Grand Challenge cannot take place in such circumstances, the Organiser and/or the Organising Partner may select winners from among all eligible Submissions received before such cancellation, change or suspension and the decision of the Organiser and/or the Organising Partner in this regard is final and conclusive. Without prejudice to the foregoing, the Organiser and/or the Organising Partner shall not be liable towards any Participant in any way for any loss, damages, costs or expenses suffered or incurred (directly or indirectly) by such Participant in relation to the Grand Challenge, or any changes to or cancellations of the Grand Challenge (in whole or in part).




No Submission will be returned to any Participant. Except as expressly provided in these Terms, each Participant retains all rights to its Submission. Subject to the confidentiality obligations in these Terms, each Participant hereby grants the Organiser and/or the Organising Partner a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty free, transferable, sublicensable, perpetual and irrevocable license to copy, display, perform, distribute, create derivative works and otherwise use its Submission for any purpose related to the Grand Challenge. Each Participant further acknowledges and agrees that Judges and Partners will have access to and may retain copies of its Submission.




Any attempt to deliberately damage the Site, defraud the Organiser and/or the Organising Partner or Judges, or tamper with or undermine the legitimate operations of the Grand Challenge or the Organiser and/or the Organising Partner may be a violation of civil and/or criminal laws, and the Participant(s) concerned may be prosecuted or sued to the full extent permitted by law and will not be eligible for any award that may be available, including or to be designated a Winner.




By attending the virtual event, Participants acknowledge and agree that they choose to participate in a designated third party live streaming website/platform/application, and will be subject to the terms and conditions of such third party. The Organiser and/or the Organising Partner is not responsible or liable for any aspects relating to this third party’s sites as further explained in Section 11(iii) below. Participants are advised to review and determine whether to accept any terms and conditions that such third party’s site may require Participants to abide by when entering such third party site.


The Organiser and/or the Organising Partner accepts no responsibility for delayed, late or misdirected entries during the Grand Challenge live streaming.


The Organiser and/or the Organising Partner reserves the right to refuse any Participant’s participation or access to the Grand Challenge immediately and without notice if such Participant disrupts, hinders or causes a nuisance to the Grand Challenge. The Organiser and/or the Organising Partner shall not be liable for any losses or damage incurred by the Participants' inability to access the Grand Challenge for whatever reasons.



Participants are responsible for all costs and fees for data usage relating to the access of the Grand Challenge virtual events/online sessions through a mobile network.




Each Participant agrees that the Organiser, the Organising Partner, Judges, Partners and anyone acting on behalf of the Organiser and/or the Organising Partner or the Grand Challenge (“Released Parties”) will have no responsibility or liability whatsoever to any Participant (including, but not limited to, liability for any indirect or consequential loss or damage such as loss of profit, liability for any property loss, damage, personal injury or death, as well as claims based on publicity rights, defamation, and/or invasion of privacy) in connection with the Grand Challenge, including participation or the acceptance, receipt, possession, misuse, non-use or use of any award or opportunity (or portion thereof); or any damage to Participant’s (or any third person’s) computer and/or its contents related to or resulting from any part of the Grand Challenge; even if caused by the negligence of the Released Parties.


Each Participant acknowledges that the Released Parties have wide access to ideas and that new ideas are frequently submitted to them or are being developed by their employees, including ideas that may be competitive with Participant’s business. Each Participant agrees that it will not be entitled to any compensation as a result of any Released Parties’ use of material that is similar or identical to its Submission. Each Participant hereby waives all rights to claim irreparable injury, equitable relief, direct, indirect, punitive, incidental and/or consequential damages, attorney fees or any damages incurred to enter the Grand Challenge. Participants agree to waive all rights to bring any claim, action, or proceeding against any of the Released Parties.


The Organiser and/or the Organising Partner will not be responsible or liable for any incomplete upload of any Submission, and/or for any misdirected or invalid Submissions due to transmission errors or corrupted data files, including without limitation, interruption or inability to access the Site, problems with internet connectivity, firewalls, virus protection software or hardware devices, and/or Submissions that are late, destroyed, lost, stolen, misdirected, tampered with, incomplete, deleted, or not in compliance with these Rules. The Organiser and/or the Organising Partner reserves the right to refuse any Submission(s), disqualify any Participant or withhold the presentation of any award(s) to any Submission(s) without advance notice.


All Participants acknowledge that:


(i) The Site and all its content, functionality, assistance and services are provided “as is” without any warranties from either the Organiser and/or the Organising Partner or any third parties, either express or implied, including without limitation any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, the accuracy or reliability of any information that appears on the Site.


(ii) The Site (including all its content which may include content that is furnished by any third parties) is provided “as is” and when available, and the Organiser and/or the Organising Partner may change any or all of its content, functionality and services in its discretion at any time without notifying any Participant. The Organiser and/or the Organising Partner may also do this for particular activities even if any such Participant has started to participate. Also, the Organiser and/or the Organising Partner reserves the right to correct, change, withdraw or do anything else with the Grand Challenge without being liable for any consequences even if any Participant has already taken action based on it.


(iii) The use of the Site is at your own risk. Neither the Organiser nor the Organising Partner (including any of their respective affiliated or related entities or its vendors or content providers) shall be liable to any person or entity for any direct or indirect loss, damage (whether actual, consequential, punitive, special or otherwise), injury, claim (whether in tort, contract or any other legal grounds), or liability of any kind or character whatsoever based upon or resulting from your use or inability to use the Site or in respect of any information or materials provided on the Site.


(iv) The Site may contain links to websites of third parties or contents provided by third parties such as the Organiser’s and/or the Organising Partner’s Partners. While the contents, products and services may be helpful to the Participants, these third parties are independent entities and the Organiser and/or the Organising Partner does not control or endorse such third parties or any of the contents, products and services that appear of such third party websites. Neither the Organiser nor the Organising Partner guarantees the quality, reliability, or suitability of any third party services provided, made available or linked through the Site and the Organiser and/or the Organising Partner will bear no responsibility for such third party services and contents. All Participants agree that any visits to any linked websites or any third party contents are solely at their own risk. There may be, from time to time, third party contents and services on the Site that are subject to further terms, including terms from the relevant third party that originally produced such contents and services. In such cases, all Participants agree to comply with any such further terms and conditions.





The Organiser and/or the Organising Partner reserves the right to revise the above Terms without making any advance announcement. Participants understand and agree that from time to time the Organiser and/or the Organising Partner may update these Terms and Privacy Policy by posting on the Site. Amended versions of these Terms and Privacy Policy will take effect on the date specified for the amended version. Participants should regularly check the Site for any updates and Participants’ continued use of the Site constitutes Participants’ acceptance of the updated Terms and Privacy Policy.



The event name “City Innovation and Technology (I&T) Grand Challenge”, the name of the Organiser and/or the Organising Party, all published materials, information and content on the Site (including, but not limited to text, photographs, images, illustrations, designs, audio clips, video clips, “look and feel,” metadata, data, or compilations) (collectively, the “IP Protected Materials”) are protected by copyright, and owned and/or controlled by the Organiser and/or the Organising Partner or the party credited as the provider of the IP Protected Materials. The Organiser and/or the Organising Partner also owns copyright in the selection, coordination, compilation, and enhancement of any such IP Protected Materials.

Participants shall abide by all additional copyright notices, information, or restrictions contained in any IP Protected Materials. Participants may not copy, extract, modify, publish, transmit, participate in the transfer or sale of, reproduce, create new works from, distribute, perform, display (including framing and inline linking), communicate to the public or in any way exploit, any of the IP Protected Materials whether in whole or in part unless the Participant has obtained the prior written consent of the Organiser and/or the Organising Partner.




(i) For the avoidance of doubt, the views of the Participants and Judges do not represent in any way the position of the Organiser and/or the Organising Partner.


(ii) To the extent permitted by applicable law, the Organiser and/or the Organising Partner and Participants hereby waive any provision of law that would render any of these Terms invalid or otherwise unenforceable in any respect. In the event that a provision of these Terms is held to be invalid or otherwise unenforceable, such provision will be interpreted to fulfil its intended purpose to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, and the remaining provisions of these Terms will continue in full force and effect.


(iii) The English version shall prevail in the event of any inconsistencies between the Chinese and English versions on the interpretation of any of these Terms. The Chinese version is for reference only.


(iv) These Terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China (“Hong Kong”) and the Participants shall submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Hong Kong.







Each Participant is solely responsible for his/her Submission. Each Participant undertakes and represents that his/her Submission and all Deliverables will not:


(i) Infringe or otherwise violate the Intellectual Property Rights (as defined in Section 3 below) of any third party;


(ii) Disclose or rely upon the confidential or proprietary information of a third party without appropriate written permission;


(iii) Contain libellous, defamatory, disparaging and/or unlawful content;


(iv) Invade the privacy or publicity rights of any person (living or deceased), or otherwise infringe upon a third party’s personal or proprietary rights;


(v) Violate any laws and/or regulations;


(vi) Include any sexually explicit content;


(vii) Depict, incite or inspire violence, weapons or dangerous stunts;


(viii) Depict or incite discrimination, bigotry, harm or hatred;


(ix) Depict, incite or inspire tobacco or illicit drug usage;


(x) Promote any illegal activities and/or the commission of any crimes;


(xi) Include off-topic, inflammatory, inappropriate, illegal, or offensive content;


(xii) Include any advertisements or solicitations of business;


(xiii) Promote any political agenda, messages and/or ideologies; or


(xiv) Reflect negatively on the goodwill of the Organiser and/or the Organising Partner or its Partners.


The above list is not exhaustive. Each Participant further undertakes:


(xv) To behave in such a way as to create a safe, supportive environment while at the Grand Challenge and any related event(s);


(xvi) Not to engage in disruptive speech or behaviour or otherwise interfere with the Grand Challenge or other individuals’ participation;


(xvii) Comply with all applicable laws and agree not to engage in any form of harassing, offensive, discriminatory or threatening speech or behaviour, including relating to politics, race, gender, sexual orientation, religion or disability.


The Organiser and/or the Organising Partner may disqualify any Submission if the Submission includes content that the Organiser and/or the Organising Partner, in its sole discretion, deems unsuitable for the Grand Challenge and/or if the Participant violates any of these Terms and the decision of the Organiser and/or the Organising Partner is final and conclusive. Without prejudice to the foregoing, the Organiser and/or the Organising Partner may reject or disqualify any Submission at any time, in its sole discretion, without incurring any liability whatsoever towards the Participant or any third party.




During the Grand Challenge, Deliverables must (a) address the specific sub-themes; (b) be submitted in one of the specified digital formats; and (c) comply with these Rules. If a Deliverable cannot be downloaded or accessed, is not in the right format or is incompatible, illegible, or unintelligible, or violates any other conditions under these Rules, the Deliverable will be disqualified. Further, a Deliverable must comply with the following requirements:


(i) The Deliverables must be the sole and exclusive work of the Participant;


(ii) In the event that the Deliverables containing any content the proprietary right to which is owned by any third party(ies), all rights, authorisations and agreements necessary to submit the Deliverables (incorporating such content) have been obtained from such third party(ies). Failure to comply with such requirement will result in the disqualification of any such Deliverables and their related Submission; and


(iii) No other individual and/or entity is entitled to claim any rights from the use of the Deliverables.




Definitions for the purposes of these Reps and Warranties:


(i) "Intellectual Property Rights" refer to any copyright, moral rights, or other rights over a brand, a design or a model, a patent and more generally, any element, (including trade secrets and knowhow), that may be protected by national and/or international laws or conventions on intellectual property.


(ii) "Previous Rights" refer to any Intellectual Property Rights and/or any associated know-how held by the Participants before the start date of the Grand Challenge.


(iii) "Creations" refer to any software (including source and object code software), database, technical specifications, text, design, model, information, knowledge, method, process or product, as well as any resulting elements and/or processes likely or otherwise to be protected according to national and/or international laws or conventions on intellectual property developed by any Participant as a part of any submitted Deliverable throughout the Grand Challenge.


Warranty of non-infringement of Intellectual Property Rights


Each Participant represents and warrants to the Organiser and/or the Organising Partner that he/she is the owner or co-owner and the holder or co-holder of the Intellectual Property Rights regarding all or part of the Creations contained in the Deliverables submitted at any time of the Grand Challenge, and that he/she has obtained all rights and permissions regarding all pre-existing Creations and any elements of the Deliverables for which he/she does not hold the relevant rights.


Each Participant warrants (i) that his/her contribution is original and unprecedented; (ii) that it does not infringe upon any Intellectual Property Rights of any third party; (iii) that all the elements on which his/her Submissions are formed, as well as all pieces of contributions and information communicated in the Submission presentation documents are accurate, reliable and complete; and (iv) that the submission of the relevant Deliverables do not constitute an act of unfair competition of any kind under any applicable laws and regulations.


It is mandatory for Participants to indicate the source of any pre-existing Creations of whichever nature and support that are included in any submitted Deliverable. Any Deliverable involving several Participants constitutes a collaborative work and it should be treated as such in accordance with the applicable regulation in force.


Under no circumstances shall the Organiser and/or the Organising Partner be held liable for any infringement of any Intellectual Property Rights in the Creations and/or the Deliverables. Each Participant shall indemnify the Organiser and/or the Organising Partner against any loss, damages, action, claim, opposition and demand from any third party in connection with any Intellectual Property Rights or Creations in the Deliverables. This provision shall survive the completion of the Grand Challenge.


Any infringement claims brought against or disputes on the ownership/usage any Intellectual Property Rights in the submitted solution may result in the immediate disqualification of the relevant group from the Grand Challenge, and entitlement to any of the related awards and prizes.


By submitting a Deliverable and participating in this Grand Challenge, each Participant is not granting the Organiser and/or the Organising Partner any Intellectual Property Rights subsisting in any Deliverable or any part thereof and the Organiser and/or the Organising Partner makes no claim to ownership of any Deliverable or any Intellectual Property Rights subsisting in such Deliverable.


Participants understand and agree that all Intellectual Property Rights in the Site belong to the Organiser and/or the Organising Partner and its licensors, as applicable at all times.


Except as expressly provided in these Terms, Participants have no right to use the Organiser’s and/or the Organising Partner’s Intellectual Property Rights. In particular, Participants have no right to use the Organiser’s and/or the Organising Partner’s trademarks or product names, logos, domain names or other distinctive brand features associated with the Organiser and/or the Organising Partner, as the case may be without the Organiser’s and/or the Organising Partner’s prior written consent.




The Organiser and/or the Organising Partner agrees that it will treat all personal data in each Submission as confidential information of the Participant (“Confidential Information”). The Organiser and/or the Organising Partner will not disclose any Confidential Information to any third party without the prior written consent of the Participant, unless the Organiser and/or the Organising Partner is required by law, court order, or legal process to do so, including but not limited to a court or governmental subpoena.


Notwithstanding the foregoing, each Participant understands and agrees that the Organiser and/or the Organising Partner may disclose the Participant’s entire Submission to the Organiser’s and/or the Organising Partner’s partners, the Judges, and/or the Organiser’s and/or the Organising Partner’s professional, financial and similar advisors; provided that such other persons or firms have similar undertakings to keep such Confidential Information confidential and not to further disclose such Confidential Information to any third party.


Each Participant understands and agrees that the Organiser and/or the Organising Partner is not required to treat as confidential any portion of Confidential Information that (i) was disclosed to the Organiser and/or the Organising Partner without obligation of confidentiality; or (ii) becomes publicly available through no fault of the Organiser and/or the Organising Partner. The obligation of the Organiser and/or the Organising Partner under this provision shall survive two (2) years after the completion of the Grand Challenge.




Each Participant agrees to indemnify and hold the Organiser and/or the Organising Partner harmless from any and all liability resulting from or arising from the Organiser and/or the Organising Partner’s use of any Submission (or part thereof) and/or any Deliverable (or part thereof).




The Organiser and/or the Organising Partner may collect and process personal data such as the Participant’s name and email address, and/or the name, email address and phone number (for Participants under the age of 18) of the Participant’s parents, guardians or teachers when the Participants provide the Organiser and/or the Organising Partner with such personal data directly, or when third parties collect and disclose such personal data on behalf of the Organiser and/or the Organising Partner. All Participants undertake to the Organiser and/or the Organising Partner to provide accurate, current, and complete information at all times. All Participants also agree that they will review, maintain, correct, and update such information in a timely manner to maintain its accuracy and completeness by using the means allowed for amending such information or, when appropriate, by contacting the Organiser and/or the Organising Partner. If the Organiser and/or the Organising Partner has reasonable grounds to believe that any information is inaccurate, not current, or incomplete, the Organiser and/or the Organising Partner may suspend or terminate the Submission or participation of the relevant Participant(s) in the Grand Challenge, in addition to exercising all rights and remedies allowed by law without being liable to such Participant(s).


In addition, the Participants acknowledge and accept that they may be filmed or photographed while participating in the Grand Challenge and the Organiser and/or the Organising Partner may collect photographs, audio-visual footage, comments, and any other record of Participants’ participation in the Grand Challenge.


Participants hereby consent and agree to the collection, use, processing and disclosure of their personal data by the Organiser and/or the Organising Partner for the purposes set out in the Personal Information Collection Statement (see Appendix 3) and in accordance with the Privacy Policy (see Appendix 2)


By entering the Grand Challenge, Participants agree to participate in any media, promotional activity or publicity related to the Grand Challenge without payment or compensation, if requested to do so by the Organiser and/or the Organising Partner.


The Participants further agree to participate in, at their own expense, award presentation ceremonies, media, promotional activity or publicity related to the Grand Challenge in Hong Kong or elsewhere in relation to the Grand Challenge without payment or compensation, if requested to do so by the Organiser and/or the Organising Partner.